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Got Eight Minutes? Get The Facts On The New IRS Forms & Reporting For Stock Sales

If there's a way to make learning about tax forms fun, we'll try it. In the Tax Center at, we just published an animated presentation on the expanded IRS Form 1099-B, the new IRS Form 8949, and the revised Schedule D. It's a painless way to learn these important developments and prevent expensive mistakes on tax returns during the imminent tax season.

In a concise, engaging overview, our editor-in-chief Bruce Brumberg will inform you about:

  • the expanded reporting on Form 1099-B, and why the reported cost basis may be wrong or omitted
  • how to figure out the right cost basis for your stock sales
  • the new Form 8949 and how to report stock sales on it
  • how to interpret Form 1099-B when completing Form 8949
  • what to do when the cost basis in Box 3 of Form 1099-B is too low or not given
  • totaling the reported stock sales on the revised Schedule D

Need further information? There's plenty more where that came from. A new article and FAQ at give full coverage of these tax-return topics. Additionally, our special section Reporting Company Stock Sales presents FAQs with annotated diagrams of Form 8949 and Schedule D. Each FAQ explains and illustrates a different reporting situation involving stock options, restricted stock, restricted stock units, performance shares, employee stock purchase plans, or stock appreciation rights. Clear instructions and diagrams show how to complete the forms, whether the cost-basis information on Form 1099-B is accurate, too low, or omitted.


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